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spc ac 220542

day 1 convective outlook
nws storm prediction center norman ok
1142 pm cst sat dec 21 2024

valid 221200z - 231200z severe thunderstorm areas forecast...

a low chance of general thunderstorms is forecast across parts of
the pacific northwest. severe storms are unlikely.

an upper trough will lift out of the eastern states, with a surface
high from new england to the northern gulf coast. high pressure will
also exist over much of the intermountain west, but lower pressure
will affect parts of the west coast as an upper trough nears.

cooling aloft will occur through this evening across much of wa, or,
and northern ca. as midlevel moisture increases, weak elevated
instability may support isolated thunderstorms, primarily after 21z.
despite strong shear profiles, such minimal elevated instability is
unlikely to support a severe hail risk.

..jewell/weinman.. 12/22/2024

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note: the next day 1 outlook is scheduled by 1300z