In June 2021, the College of DuPage ended its support of the simple, useful, static GIF radar images that I have embedded into this website, since I started in the summer of 2013. It was a nice eight-year run for those radar images, which I viewed more than any other images that I have embedded here. With time, all simple and useful things vanish from the web in favor of complex and convoluted solutions. GIF files and animated GIFs work simply and are easily embedded into sites, but that's a vanishing concept. Modern web design with all of it glorious bloat and clunkiness is the rule. Now, I can only link to radar images that are not as good as what existed. Nice progress. Over the past 12 to 18 months, Wunderground, the NWS, and now the College of DuPage have ended support for wonderfully simple and useful radar images.